Zhihang Ren

peter [dot] zhren [at] berkeley [dot] edu

I am a Research Affiliate at the Whitney Laboratory. I completed my Ph.D. at Vision Science and Berkeley AI Research (BAIR), UC Berkeley, co-advised by Prof. Stella Yu and Prof. David Whitney. Before joining UC Berkeley, I received my Master's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of California, San Diego, co-advised by Prof. Nuno Vasconcelos and Prof. Bhaskar D. Rao. I received my Bachelor's Degree at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) and Bachelor's Degree with Honours at University of Glasgow, advised by Prof. Shuaicheng Liu.

My research interests include: image and video processing, machine learning, computer vision, AI for health, and human vision. I am looking for research assistants in deep learning or computer vision. Please send me an email with your CV and transcript if you are interested.


  • [May. 2024] Two papers are accepted by CVPR 2024 Workshop!

  • [May. 2024] One paper is early accepted (top 11%) by MICCAI 2024!

  • [Feb. 2024] Two abstracts are accepted by VSS 2024!

  • [Oct. 2023] One paper is accepted by IEEE/CVF WACV 2024!

  • [June. 2023] One journal paper is published on Journal of Medical Imaging!

  • [May. 2023] One journal paper is published on Diagnostics!

  • [Feb. 2023] Two abstracts are accepted by VSS 2023! One abstract is selected as Oral presentation.


SkinCON: Towards consensus for the uncertainty of skin cancer sub-typing through distribution regularized adaptive predictive sets (DRAPS)

Zhihang Ren, Yunqi Li*, Xinyu Li*, Xinrong Xie, Erik P. Duhaime, Kathy Fang, Tapabrata Chakraborty, Yunhui Guo, Stella X. Yu, David Whitney
*Equal Contribution
the 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2024

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Region-Based Emotion Recognition via Superpixel Feature Pooling

Zhihang Ren, Yifan Wang, Tsung-Wei Ke, Yunhui Guo, Stella X. Yu, David Whitney
IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR) Workshop, 2024

[ Paper ] [ Poster ] [ BibTex ]

BEAT: Berkeley Emotion and Affect Tracking Dataset

Zhihang Ren, Jefferson Ortega, Yunhui Guo, Stella X. Yu, David Whitney
IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR) Workshop, 2024

[ Project Page ] [ Paper ] [ Poster ] [ BibTex ]

VEATIC: Video-based Emotion and Affect Tracking in Context Dataset

Zhihang Ren*, Jefferson Ortega*, Yifan Wang*, Zhimin Chen, Yunhui Guo, Stella X. Yu, David Whitney
*Equal Contribution
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2024

[ Project Page ] [ Preprint ] [ Paper ] [ Code ] [ Poster ] [ Video ] [ BibTex ]

Serial dependence in perception across naturalistic GAN-generated mammograms

Zhihang Ren, Teresa Canas-Bajo, Cristina Ghirardo, Mauro Manassi, Stella X. Yu, David Whitney
Journal of Medical Imaging, 2023

[ PDF ] [ BibTex ]

Serial Dependence in Dermatological Judgments

Zhihang Ren, Xinyu Li, Dana Pietralla, Mauro Manassi, David Whitney
Diagnostics, 2023

[ PDF ] [ BibTex ]

Idiosyncratic biases in the perception of medical images

Zixuan Wang, Mauro Manassi, Zhihang Ren, Cristina Ghirardo, Teresa Canas-Bajo, Yuki Murai, Min Zhou, David Whitney
Frontiers in Psychology, section Perception Science, 2022

[ PDF ] [ BibTex ]

Controllable Medical Image Generation via GAN

Zhihang Ren, Stella X. Yu, David Whitney
Journal of Perceptual Imaging, 2022

[ PDF ] [ BibTex ]

Improve Image-based Skin Cancer Diagnosis with Generative Self-Supervised Learning

Zhihang Ren, Yunhui Guo, Stella X. Yu, David Whitney
IEEE/ACM Conference on Connected Health Applications, Systems, and Engineering Technologies (CHASE), 2021

[ PDF ] [ BibTex ]

Serial Dependence in the Perceptual Judgments of Radiologists

Mauro Manassi*, Cristina Ghirardo*, Teresa Canas-Bajo*, Zhihang Ren, William Prinzmetal, David Whitney
*Equal Contribution
Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 2021

[ PDF ] [ BibTex ]

Controllable medical image generation via generative adversarial networks

Zhihang Ren, Stella X. Yu, David Whitney
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (HVEI), 2021

[ PDF ] [ BibTex ]

Coding Trajectory: Enable Video Coding for Video Denoising

Zhihang Ren, Peng Dai, Shuaicheng Liu, Shuyuan Zhu, Bing Zeng
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2018

[ PDF ] [ BibTex ]

Shape Recovery of Endoscopic Videos by Shape from Shading Using Mesh Regularization

Zhihang Ren, Tong He, Lingbing Peng, Shuaicheng Liu, Shuyuan Zhu, Bing Zeng
International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG), 2017

[ Code ] [ PDF ] [ BibTex ]

Meshflow Video Denoising

Zhihang Ren, Jiajia Li, Shuaicheng Liu, Bing Zeng
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2017

[ Project Page ] [ Code ] [ PDF ] [ BibTex ]

Industrial Experience

Software Engineer at Google LLC.


Machine Learning Engineer at TikTok Inc.

  • Build multi-modal harmful content detection systems for user posts auto-review involving images and videos.
  • Leverage Large-Language-Models (LLM) to boost the performance of the auto-review system.


Research Scientist Intern at Meta Reality Labs

Mentored by Dr. Shahin Aghdam.
  • Studied VQGAN in face editting applications and researched face editting in discrete latent space.
  • Researched a new style transfer task.



UC Berkeley

  • Psych C126, Perception, Spring 2023, Head Graduate Student Instructor
  • Psych C126, Perception, Spring 2021, 2022, 2024, Graduate Student Instructor
  • CS189/289: Introduction to Machine Learning, Fall 2019, Graduate Student Instructor

UC San Diego

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

  • Introductory Programming, Fall 2015, 2016, Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
  • Microelectronic Systems, Spring 2016, Undergraduate Teaching Assistant



Services & Outreach

  • Bay Area Vision Research Day (BAVRD), Program Committee Chair (2020)
  • Reviewer
    • Conferences: ICPR, MICCAI, ECCV
    • Journals: Medical Education, Frontiers in Psychology, Springer Nature Computer Science

Recent & Upcoming Talks


  • the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor (OGSI) Award (2023)
  • Elsevier/Vision Research Travel Award (2023)
  • NSF Student Travel Award (2021)
  • Fellowships
    • the Third-Class People's Scholarship (2016)
    • National Scholarship of China (2014, 2015)